Aaron Terrazas

Senior UX Product Designer

Aaron Terrazas

Senior UX Product Designer

Case Study

  • UX Research
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Prototyping
  • Chat
  • Mobile App


GotSport (GotSoccer) is the leading provider of soccer software in the USA. They have been developing tools to help get players on the field since 1996, and help make things simple and easy for the sports community.

The Challenge

The existing mobile application had numerous inconsistencies with the UI, from inconsistent font sizes being used, to colors that were not on brand, or colors that didn’t have the needed contrast to pass an accessibility review. There were also various user experience challenges, such as a confusing and complicated chat experience, and the lack of a dashboard to provide users with what they needed when they opened the app.

The Solution

I designed a dashboard that gave users alerts from their team and coaches, an upcoming events module, chat notifications, and a place for sponsors. I completely re-organized and redesigned the entire chat, contacts, and profile system to be more intuitive and allow users to do everything in one place within the app. I also simplified creating a post, starting a chat, or creating an event by globalizing an icon on the UI that was familiar and consistent for users throughout the app.


Instead of a dashboard for the home section, the app had a news feed, which did give users what they wanted when they logged into the app. I moved news to its own section, and designed a dashboard that gave users alerts from their team and coaches, upcoming events, chat notifications, and a place for sponsors.

Schedule List View

The schedule section used nearly indistinguishable icons, colors that lacked the needed contrast to pass accessibility standards, and had no legend to tell users what icons and colors meant. I added a legend for each event type, removed the icons, and redesigned the UI to be more simplified and easier to read at a glance.

Schedule Month View

The month view was a request from users, but it was difficult to see the time of each event, and clicking on a day, took users to the entire even list. I redesigned this to use simple dots to represent each event type. Then clicking on a day, opened the events for the specific day in an overlay / pop-up.

Simplifying: Chat / Contacts / Profiles

Chat, profiles and contacts were overly complicated, as each section allowed users to initiate a chat, and the flow involved too many clicks for the user. I greatly simplified the user experience by combining chats into one single section that allowed the user to do everything. I also pinned the team chat and coaches chat to the top of the feed, and allowed users to filter chats by DMs and groups.


In the old flow, to start a single DM, users would have to click on a contact, click the elipses menu, then select chat, then create a chat. In the old flow, to start a group chat, a user would have to go to chats, click search, then click create a group chat, and find users for the group. The new flow I created allowed user to be placed directly in a chat when clicking on a contact. If a user wanted to start a new chat they would simply click the great create button at the bottom of the screen, then add the user(s) they wanted to the chat. Each chat can be named and the chat avatar customized.


I designed a new user ID Card, that allowed users to customize their wallpaper, and the ability to see their parents and chat within the app, or call them.